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Month: June 2024

Shoulder Pain 6 Months After Car Accident
Posted in Firm News on June 26, 2024

Experiencing shoulder pain six months after a car accident can be a persistent and distressing issue. This guide will explore the causes, long-term implications, and treatment options for such pain. By understanding why shoulder pain lingers and knowing the steps to take, you can better manage your recovery process. Additionally, we’ll discuss the importance of…

Do You Have to Go to Court for a Minor Car Accident?
Posted in Firm News on June 26, 2024

Minor car accidents can be an unsettling experience, but knowing whether you need to go to court can help alleviate some of the stress. This guide will walk you through the legal obligations, scenarios that might require a court appearance, and ways to settle matters outside of the legal system. By understanding these aspects, you…