There are several common injuries suffered by victims in car accidents in New Hampshire. Millions of people suffer from car accident injuries throughout the United States annually. Because tailgating injuries can occur at a low speed, many people in New Hampshire presume their injuries are not severe enough to require medical attention.
You will receive the expertise of a Nashua personal injury attorney. And as an injury victim, you need the best presentation in civil court. Your personal injury lawyer in Nashua will support you in your allegation of negligent or wrongful actions that affected your livelihood.
What is a rear-end collision?
When a vehicle is hit by another vehicle from behind, it is considered a rear-end collision. Most rear-end accidents happen at low speeds. Rear-end collisions can occur in congested traffic, at stop signs, or at redlights. If you were in a rear-end collision let a personal injury lawyer Nashua help you.
Common Tailgating Injuries
In a typical rear-end collision, there are common injuries the occupants of the vehicle can sustain. Our Nashua personal injury attorneys can represent you if you sustain an injury. The most common injuries caused by a tailgating rear-end vehicle accident in New Hampshire include:
Traumatic brain injury
Abrupt and violent trusting of the head causes the brain to slam into the skull. This results in a concussion and can cause the brain to bleed. This may occur if your head abruptly or violently strikes an object inside your vehicle during a tailgating accident.
Neck (whiplash) and lower back injury
A severe jerk to the head causes whiplash, an injury to the neck. Whiplash and lower back injury are common injuries sustained from a tailgating rear-end vehicle collision. During a tailgating vehicle collision, the victim may suffer injury to the lower back.
Shoulder, arm, and wrist injury
During a rear-end vehicle accident, you may lock out your arms or you may be impacted by the airbag. This can cause injury to the muscles, tendons, and ligaments in the wrist, arm, elbow, and or shoulder.
Injury to the hip and lower leg
Victims of a tailgating rear-end vehicle accident can suffer from hip and lower leg injury. This happens when the victim locks out their legs to brace for impact. The results can be jammed hips, sprained ankle, knee strain, and damage to tendon and ligaments.
Severe injury or death
Severe injury can occur when a large vehicle impacts the rear-end of a vehicle. Severe injury results in disfiguring lacerations, multiple broken bones, and injury requiring cosmetic surgery.
Nashua Car Accident Lawyer
If you suffer from a tailgating accident injury, it is important not to underestimate the severity of your injuries. It is common for the symptoms of a tailgating collision injury to last for years after the accident, which can have detrimental effects on your livelihood. There may be harmful effects to you and your family. For instance, loss of income due to time off work and medical costs.
The experienced Nashua car accident lawyer may refer you to a medical specialist. We may do this because it is known that undiagnosed and untreated minor injuries can lead to chronic pain and injury.
The attorneys at Coates Law Office can effectively negotiate with insurance companies. Often insurance companies are dismissive of tailgating accident injuries suffered in New Hampshire auto accidents.
How a Nashua car accident attorney can help
There is a high possibility of injury including long-term effects on your health and daily life. It may take time to manage your injuries, which can include missing work and costing a small fortune. That is why a Nashua personal injury attorney can help you.
You need a capable law firm with experience handling thousands of personal injury cases. That is why the Nashua car accident attorneys are the right choice. We are here to represent you and get you compensation for your injuries.
Our experienced tailgating accident injury attorneys have the expertise and experience to effectively negotiate on your behalf. Our New Hampshire tailgating accident injury lawyers have years of experience handling minor and serious injury cases.
Coates Law Office is here to help you with your tailgating rear-end vehicle accident injury. Let a Nashua car accident attorney assist you in getting the compensation you deserve. Get your free consultation by calling one of our two convenient locations. You can reach the Nashua office at 603-262-5766. If you are in the Nashua area, call 603-589-4024.