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New Hampshire DUI/DWI Lawyer

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Are you or someone you love facing DUI/DWI charges in New Hampshire? If so, you’re likely scared, worried, and have a lot of questions. You need a dedicated New Hampshire DUI/DWI lawyer to explain your rights and options and inform you of the best course of action. You also need an attorney to represent you at hearings and fight for your freedom and future.

At Coates Law Office, we’ve helped countless individuals just like you who have found themselves facing DUI charges in New Hampshire. We know that good people sometimes make mistakes, and a single lapse in judgment shouldn’t define your entire future. You can rely on us for compassionate but assertive legal representation. We will guide you through the process while working diligently to help you get the best outcome possible.

Contact us today for a free consultation to learn how we can help.

New Hampshire DUI/DWI Guide

Understanding DUI/DWI in New Hampshire

Bradford Coates | New Hampshire personal injury attorney

In New Hampshire, DUI (Driving Under the Influence) and DWI (Driving While Intoxicated) are used interchangeably to describe the offense of operating a vehicle while impaired by alcohol or drugs. The state takes these offenses seriously, and the consequences can be severe.

A DUI charge in New Hampshire is typically based on one of two factors:

  1. Your Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) is 0.08% or higher (0.04% for commercial drivers, 0.02% for drivers under 21)
  2. You’re under the influence of alcohol or drugs to a degree that impairs your ability to drive safely

Keep in mind that an officer can charge you with DUI/DWI even if your BAC is below the legal limit if the officer believes you are too impaired to drive. A lawyer can challenge the subjective observations of the arresting officer and work to protect your rights.

The Penalties for a DUI/DWI Conviction in New Hampshire

The consequences of a DUI conviction vary based on whether it’s your first offense or a subsequent one, and whether there were aggravating factors involved.

For a first offense:

  • License suspension for 9 months to 2 years
  • Fines ranging from $500 to $1,200
  • Mandatory alcohol and drug education programs

A first-time conviction on aggravated DUI/DWI offenses can result in penalties including up to one year in jail, higher fines, and a license suspension of up to two years. Those convicted of aggravated DUI charges may have to use an ignition interlock device on their vehicles.


For subsequent offenses, the penalties become much more severe:

  • Longer license suspensions (up to 5 years or more)
  • Higher fines (up to $2,000 or more)
  • Mandatory jail time (from 17 days to several years)
  • Required installation of an ignition interlock device

These are just the legal penalties. The personal and professional consequences can be equally devastating. A DUI conviction can affect your job prospects, increase your insurance rates, and strain your relationships. That’s why you need to have an experienced attorney fighting for you from the start.

How a DUI/DWI Attorney from Our Law Firm Can Help

At Coates Law Office, we bring a wealth of experience in New Hampshire DUI cases to your defense. Here’s how we can help:

  • We’ll thoroughly review every aspect of your case, from the initial traffic stop to the arrest procedure and any chemical tests administered. This detailed analysis allows us to identify potential weaknesses in the prosecution’s case and develop the strongest possible defense strategy.
  • We ensure that law enforcement doesn’t violate your constitutional rights during the arrest and booking process. If we find any irregularities, we can use them to challenge the validity of the evidence against you.
  • In many cases, we can negotiate with the prosecution to reduce charges or penalties. Our goal is always to achieve the best possible outcome for you, whether that’s a dismissal of charges, a reduction to a lesser offense, or minimized penalties.
  • If your case goes to trial, we’ll provide robust representation, challenging the prosecution’s evidence and presenting a compelling case in your defense.
  • We’ll be with you every step of the way, explaining your options, answering your questions, and providing the support you need during this challenging time.
  • Even in cases where we can’t avoid a conviction, we work tirelessly to minimize the impact on your life. We can petition for reduced penalties and explore alternative sentencing options.

Possible Defense Strategies for DUI/DWI

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Every DUI case is unique, and the best defense strategy depends on the specific circumstances of your arrest. However, here are some common defense strategies we might employ:

  • Challenging the Traffic Stop: We’ll examine whether the officer had probable cause to pull you over. If the stop was illegal, we can move to suppress any evidence obtained as a result.
  • Questioning Field Sobriety Tests: These tests are often subjective and can be affected by factors unrelated to alcohol consumption, such as physical conditions, nervousness, or even the weather.
  • Disputing Breathalyzer Results: Breathalyzer machines can be inaccurate if not properly calibrated or maintained. We’ll investigate whether the device was functioning correctly and if the test was administered properly.
  • Examining Blood Test Procedures: If officers conduct a blood test, we’ll scrutinize the chain of custody and testing procedures to ensure they meet legal standards.
  • Exploring Medical Conditions: Certain medical conditions can mimic signs of intoxication or affect BAC readings. We’ll consider whether any health issues could have influenced the arrest or test results.
  • Investigating Officer Conduct: We’ll review whether proper procedures were followed during your arrest and if your rights were respected throughout the process.

Frequently Asked Questions About DUI/DWI in New Hampshire

Q: Can I refuse a breathalyzer test in New Hampshire?

A: While you have the right to refuse, doing so can result in automatic license suspension under New Hampshire’s implied consent law. Refusal can also be used as evidence against you in court.

Q: Will I lose my license immediately after a DUI arrest?

A: Your license may be suspended administratively soon after arrest. However, you can request an administrative hearing to challenge this suspension.

Q: Can I get a DUI for driving under the influence of prescription drugs?

A: Yes. In New Hampshire, you can be charged with DUI if any substance – including legally prescribed medications – impairs your ability to drive safely.

Q: How long will a DUI stay on my record?

A: In New Hampshire, a DUI conviction stays on your criminal record indefinitely. However, for license suspension purposes, it’s considered a prior offense for 10 years.

Q: Can I drive for work with a suspended license?

A: In some cases, you may qualify for a restricted license that allows you to drive for essential purposes like work or medical appointments. We can help you explore this option.

Contact an Experienced New Hampshire DUI/DWI Attorney Today

Bradford Coates | New Hampshire personal injury lawyer

Bradford H. Coates, New Hampshire DUI/DWI Attorney

Facing DUI charges in New Hampshire is scary, but you don’t have to go through this alone. The New Hampshire criminal defense lawyers at the Coates Law Office provide skilled, effective legal counsel and compassionate support.

Don’t let a DUI/DWI define your future, and don’t delay getting the legal representation you need. The sooner you contact us, the more options we may have to build a strong defense for you.

Reach out to Coates Law Office now at (603) 262-5766 to request your free consultation. We promise to do all we can to get you the most favorable results possible.

Coates Law Office

92 Main Street,
Suite 107,
Nashua, NH 03060

Phone:(603) 262-5766