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New Hampshire Workplace Injury Lawyer

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Sustaining a workplace injury can have a profound impact on your overall well-being. Tasks that were once effortless may suddenly become difficult, and the financial strain of recovering from a severe injury can be overwhelming. However, with the help of a competent Nashua workplace injury attorney, you may be able to obtain compensation to alleviate these burdens.

If you have sustained a workplace injury in New Hampshire, attorney Bradford Coates possesses the necessary experience to assist you during this challenging time. To thoroughly explore your legal options, we urge you to promptly contact the Coates Law Office, PLLC.

Types Of Workplace Injuries in New Hampshire

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has identified several common types of accidents that frequently lead to workplace injuries. These accidents include:

  • Slip & Falls
  • Struck by an object
  • Electrocution
  • Caught in-between accidents
  • Overexertion
  • Repetitive motion injuries
  • Entanglement
  • Motor vehicle accidents
  • Workplace violence

Among these, falls are the most devastating, accounting for the majority of workplace injuries and fatalities. Accidents involving being struck by an object and caught in-between accidents, also known as “crushing” injuries, rank second and third, respectively. Overexertion completes the top four.

Common Workplace Injuries in New Hampshire

The specific injuries resulting from a workplace accident depend on the circumstances of the incident. For instance, injuries caused by faulty wiring leading to electrocution will differ significantly from those resulting from a fall. Understanding the nature of these injuries is crucial, especially if you plan to seek compensation from the responsible party. Some common workplace injuries include:

  • Broken bones and bruises
  • Cuts
  • Concussions and other traumatic brain injuries
  • Paralysis
  • Electrical burns
  • Neck injuries
  • Death
  • Amputation
  • Internal bleeding
  • Ligament damage
  • Blindness

In many cases, you may be eligible for compensation for injuries sustained in the workplace. A skilled Nashua workplace injury lawyer can assess your injuries and provide insight into the likelihood of receiving financial recovery.

Recovering Compensation For Workplace Injuries in New Hampshire

Similar to other states, New Hampshire has implemented a workers’ compensation system that provides monetary benefits to employees injured on the job. This no-fault system aims to compensate workers for their injuries, regardless of fault. Workers’ compensation benefits include coverage for necessary medical treatment resulting from a workplace injury and disability benefits, which offer weekly monetary assistance during your recovery. If you are unable to return to work, you may also be entitled to permanent disability benefits.

Third-Party Lawsuits

Under New Hampshire’s workers’ compensation laws, an injured worker typically cannot file an injury lawsuit against their employer or a co-worker. However, there are certain circumstances where an injured worker may pursue a lawsuit. The law allows an injured worker to file a lawsuit against a third party who bears responsibility for a workplace accident. For example, if an individual in a neighboring location negligently throws a glass bottle out of a window adjacent to the workplace, you could sue them for damages. The compensation available in a third-party lawsuit is similar to that sought in standard negligence claims, covering areas such as pain and suffering, medical bills, and lost wages.

Contact a Workers Compensation Lawyer inĀ  New Hampshire Immediately

Whether you, your employer, a co-worker, or a third party is to blame for your workplace injury, you may have the right to seek financial compensation. To start your claim with our New Hampshire workplace injury attorney or simply to learn more, reach out to the Coates Law Office, PLLC today. Please call (603) 262-5766 to discuss the details of your case.